Types of Intelligence

July 04, 2022

Types of Intelligence

Types Of Intelligence:

In 1983 an American developmental psychologist Howard Gardener described 9
types of intelligence. When other scientists considered them as soft skills
Gardner recognized them as intelligence skills as he mentioned, being a math's
person gives you the understanding of numbers, the same way interpersonal
skills give you the understanding of human’s nature which is not everybody’s
cup of tea.
You have to be aware of your senses and remind them about your intelligence
skill. These skills help an individual to cope with stress, anxiety, depression and
other mental health related issues. They directly help your brain to function in a
stress-free manner.

Every human being’s mind is designed in such a way that they can develop the
intelligence skills mentioned below:

Spatial- Visualizing the world in 3 dimensions. This intelligence helps an individual to have mental
imaginary skills. Painters, architects, sailors, pilots have highly developed spatial intelligence. People
with this intelligence day dream and show interest in puzzles and mazes.

Naturalist- Understanding living things and reading nature and gives you the sensitivity towards natural
world. People having naturalist intelligence also pursue their career in the field of botanist or chef.

Musical- Discerning sounds, their pitch, tone, rhythm and timbre. This intelligence helps us to
understand, produce, and react to music. Interestingly there is a connection between music and
emotions. Music highly affects your mood and thinking.

Logical Mathematical- Quantifying things, making hypotheses and providing them. It helps us in
understanding and perceiving relationships and connections. Usually it is seen that mathematicians,
scientists and detectives have well developed logical mathematical intelligence.

Existential- Tackling the questions of why we live and why we die. This is very deep intelligence where
people are always in question of human existence and deep thoughts. They have different views on how
to see the world.

Interpersonal- Sensing people’s feelings and motives. This intelligence helps an individual to understand
and interact effectively with other human beings. People with this intelligence develop sensitivity to the
moods and temperaments of others.

Bodily Kinesthetic- Coordinating your mind with your body. This intelligence helps an individual to
develop the sense of timing and perfection of skills through mind and body. This type of intelligence is
highly developed in dancers, athletes, surgeons, crafts people.

Linguistics- Finding the right words to express what you mean. This intelligence helps us to understand
the order and meaning of words and with the usage of meta- linguistic skills to use in language.
This type of intelligence is widely seen in poets, novelists, and public speakers.

Intra personal- Understanding yourself, what you feel and what you want. This intelligence is vividly
seen in psychologists, philosophers, spiritual readers. As they help an individual to introduce oneself.

We at Compassionate Minds help people to understand mental state and provide them with the
peaceful and calm solution to any problem.
We assure you that we are here for you.