Effective Communication Workshop

Communication is life line of any relationship whether it is professional or personal. If we know how to communicate effectively we will lead satisfactory and successful life. Effective Communication is a skill we can enhance it through practice. Let's understand about it in " Effective communication " Workshop. Increase your Communication skills. (Transnational Analysis)

    • Through Effective Communication Workshop we understand How to Communicate so that others understand you.
    • How to Be Result Focused while Communicating.
    • Understand others so that we Can Communicate in Better way.
    • Importance of voice tone & Body Posture gestures while Communication.
    • Expectation forms self & others, and help us build intimate & true relationship.
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Effective Communication

Communication is lifeline of any relationship whether it is professional or personal.

If we know how to communicate effectively we will lead a satisfactory and successful life.

Effective Communication is a skill we can enhance through practice.

Let's understand it in the " Effective communication " Workshop.

Increase your communication skills. (Transnational Analysis).


    Through Effective Communication Workshop we understand How to Communicate so that others understand you.
    How to Be Result Focused while Communicating.
    Understand others so that we Can Communicate in a Better way.
    Importance of voice tone & Body Posture gestures while Communication.
    Expectation forms self & others, and help us build intimate & true relationship.

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Raising a happy & healthy child

In this new age, we are facing various mental challenges in our lives and we can see its direct impact on our physical health, relationships, career, and social life.

Anxiety, Anger, low self self-esteem, different fears, and depression all are increasing day by day.

    Why???? Have we ever thought about it? Let's check out its answer in

    "RAISING A HAPPY CHILDREN " Workshop. How does our parenting is influencing our children's personality and their physical and emotional wellness?

    Four Parenting Styles & its impact on Child's growth. Research-based scientific Parenting Style.
    How to Raise an Emotionally Healthy Child. Recognize Patterns when your child is being very cranky or Attention seeker. If they are showing exaggerate emotional like Anger or Sadness.
    If your kid is not motivated to do his regular activities.
    When a kid is not respectful to weeks’ parent.
    How to Communicate with your child that they get it.
    Spending too much time on Screen on Social Media.

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How to communicate with your teenagers that they get it

Teenagers are dealing with various issues nowadays Demands from parents, society, teachers, peers, friends, and hormonal rush Create lots of emotional and behavioral Disturbance in them.

    As a parent how can we help our teenage children??? Let's understand this in the " How to communicate with our Teenagers” workshop.

    To understand why do my Teenager gets so angry why this rage & sudden outbursts
    Why Teenagers Don't Care about their health why this sabotaging Behaviour.
    Why they are not motivated to do their work why do they procrastinate or carelessly.
    Why do Teenagers get upset so easily why is it so difficult to talk to them.
    Let us Understand these all aspects Scientifically & How to deal with them Effectively.

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Stress has become a part

Stress has become a part of our life in this fast pacing society. We all want instant gratification; we want to reach the heights of our carrier in a shorter period of time. We want to achieve perfection in whatever we do it is creating lots of negative thinking patterns inside us hence Stress levels are increasing.

    "BYE BYE STRESS " Workshop will help us to reduce our stress levels.

    Bye-Bye Stress makes us understand How can we recognize stress in our body & what is its impact on our Mental & physical health.
    Bye Bye stress tells us what are the thought that creates anxiety inside us. To identify & understand our negative thinking patterns.
    How can we deal effectively when stress is building inside us at that moment Based on Mindfulness techniques.
    How to change our thought patterns so that we can bring down our negative thinking patterns.

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Confidence Building

Confidence Building By Amita Devnani counseling psychologist and Parenting coach "If we have trust in ourselves everything is possible for us ", and this is not an exaggerated sentence if we have trust in ourselves we will get in our life whatever we desire but in lack of trust on ourselves we deal with negative thinking patterns... & anxiety issues different kinds of fears that blocks our way to success and happiness.

    So let's understand confidence and how can we build trust or confidence in ourselves through the" CONFIDENCE BUILDING " Workshop. In this workshop, you will get,

    Why do we become low self-confident?
    How our negative beliefs about ourselves create low self-confidence.
    What are the tools and techniques through which we can build our confidence level?

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Exam De-Stress

The stress of exams can be experienced by anyone be it a student of elementary school, high school or a senior secondary school. The never ending syllabus of facts, stories, poems, formulas, theories, long answer questions etc are in every student's share . Everyone doing continous revisions to make sure they forget nothing, efforts are made to retain everything that you have learned or summarised at least till you finish the exam. 

Well, the exam stress does not end even after you have submitted your answer sheets as when the bell rings announcing the time is up, our fellow friends come together to discuss the question paper and increase the stress further. 

    In this workshop of Exam De-Stress, Amita ma'am explain why the stress arises during exam times?

    Is stress good or bad for your exam preparation?

    How to cope up with the exam stress?

    How can we use stress positively to improve our preparation for exams?

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Anger Management

This workshop by Amita ma'am on anger management helps you lead a pleasant life, she talks about various triggers and situations that may incite stress, irritation or anger in us and how we can deal with them. Anger management is basically a skill that everyone can learn or let's say everyone should learn, as a very few people would  agree that they do not at all  experience any uncomfortable situations in their day to day life that might make them furious or atleast a little irritated. 

    Through this anger management workshop we understand how to deal with anger better without ruining the essence of things around us. 

    We learn about strategies and coping mechanisms that helps you regulate uncomfortable feelings better.

    We learn how changing perspectives can change our outlook towards situatuons.

    And we also get to learn about some basic habits that we can form overtime to help us deal better with anger and lead a peaceful and fulfilling life.

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Compassion is sensitivity to the suffering of others and the commitment to act upon it. 

Self-Comapssion is when we acknowledge our pain and suffering, when we recognise our self-worth, when we accept our failures as we accept failures of other people. Self-compassion is the act of being kind with ourselves, and judging our feelings and behaviours. The benefits of self-compassion are immense like you become more happy, more satisfied with life, more self-confidence and better physical health.

    In this workshop of Self-Compassion you get to learn about:

    The physiological aspects of lack of self-compassion.

    How to stop taking things personally?

    The three elements of self-compasson.

    Soothing breathing to find to your soothing touch.

    Mindfulness Exercises

    How to practice gratitude?


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