Thinking Process

November 14, 2022

Thinking Process

Thinking and speaking works together, if spoken without thinking it will never bring any good to anyone. Thinking enables us to recognize objects, solve problems and communicate. One would really be in trouble if not able to figure out the situation.  

For example: If you woke up from your bed out of a cozy blanket after switching off an irritating alarm, toss the blanket to the side and head for the bathroom, and suddenly you forget why you are there. The answer may seem obvious because you just woke up but you have forgotten why you are there and when you look around you see different shapes and you are not able to understand why you are there and what you have to do. 

If this example seems a little strange or makes you abstract, it is because the situation would be strange. Without the ability to think life would be similar to a bathroom situation, where you will be all puzzled up. 

The main motive of this example is to make you understand how important it is to think for a person. With the help of thinking a person can process various components such as attention, memory, decision making, intelligence, language, signs, comprehension etc. 

In psychological terms thinking is also known as cognition. Studying thinking or cognition is very complex as one cannot see what is happening in the brain while thinking. During the early years of psychological research, psychologists used to ask people to participate in the study of introspection. Introspection is the observation and reporting of one’s own inner experience. In this practice psychologists used to give participants a simple math problem where they have to narrate every step of solving it. These exercises were intended to capture the steps involved in the process of thinking.  

Mind goes through four basic steps while processing information: 

  • Stimulus information from your senses reaches the brain. 
  • The information is analyzed. 
  • Different possible responses are generated. 
  • A response is executed and monitored for feedback 

Focusing attention is one of the major parts of thinking. As part of information processing, attention is defined as the cognitive process of selecting stimuli and information from the environment for further processing while excluding or inhibiting other stimuli and information. There is so much information buzzing around in people’s minds and in the environment to attend to it all. Efficient and effective information processing requires selection. 

There are different types of attention processes exists: 

Focused Attention: Concentration on one source of input to the exclusion of everything. 

Divided Attention: Focus on two or more inputs simultaneously. 

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According to psychologist Donald Broadbent developed a cognitive model of attention in which attention is characterized as a channel with limited capacity for input to pass through. Sensory information is processed first, and then semantic information is processed.