November 28, 2022
Humans are not just little brains floating inside a human body with no contact with the outside world. It has been observed that most people are typically in full contact with the outside world around them, taking in information, processing it, and using what they perceive to navigate a wide range of possibilities. So why understanding materialism is important? Because the way people actually maintain contact with information
According to Adam Cash, Physicists and chemists have for a long time been pointing out that the world is made up of material stuff: particles, atoms, molecules, and other various forms of energy Basically, the universe is one big ball of energy. Everything consists of a particular configuration of energy. A working g definition of sensation is the process by which we receive raw energy/ information from the environment. If you want a definition in a suit and tie, then the sensation is the process of mentally acquiring information about the world through the reception of its various forms of energy.
Here are a few forms of energy that humans experience mostly:
Light, Sound, Heat, Pressure, and Chemical energy.
The sensing process,
The presence of specific types of cells, and receptors, in each of the sensory systems, makes transduction possible. Each sensory system has its own type of receptor cell. After the receptor cells transduce or convert the environmental energy a neutral signal travels along a sensory nerve, taking the information to the parts of the brain that are involved in the processing and analyzing the information.
Sight is arguably one of the most important human senses. Although the other senses are also important being able to see is critical for getting along in the modern world.
Process is:
Light enters the eye through the cornea
Light passes through the pupil
The lens of the eye focuses the light onto the retina
Light energy is converted into neutral energy- an action known as light transduction.
The sense of smell is called olfaction. The molecules from the volatile chemicals cause a chemical change in the receptors in the nose, which sets the transduction process in motion. The chemical energy is then converted into neutral energy by the receptor cells, and a signal hits the olfactory bulb in the brain where the signal is processed.
The world is much more complex than a bunch of singular sounds, smells, tastes, and other sensations may indicate. Perception is the process of organizing, analyzing, and providing meaning to the various sensations that are bombarded with on a daily basis. If sensation provides the raw material, perception is the final product.
All these senses are directly connected with brain activities and make our brains sensitive to our environment. Being sensitive or getting sensitive helps an individual be aware of the surroundings which help psychologists to study human behavior.
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