Coronavirus prevention: How to avoid getting infected

January 28, 2022

Coronavirus prevention: How to avoid getting infected

Covid19 isn't going anywhere and its impact is creating records with each passing day. Though it's nothing to worry much as people are vaccinated now, still that doesn't mean that we have to neglect the infectious side of it. Even people with double doses are getting reinfected with the same Covid, now known as the Omicron variant.

The solution?
Well, the basics are the best to stick on in these terms. Here we will let you know the most prominent ways to help yourself and your family, and even society to stay out of this corona problem.

Let not yourself get Infected -
The very first and foremost action you can take to prevent corona is to get infected with the problem first. Making a distance with everyone, and washing hands at a regular time interval are the couple of major tricks you can follow on a daily basis in order to get infected by corona, and even any other diseases/infections as well.

Say NO to eating outside -
The very neglected side of lifestyle that people are still neglecting, is to deny eating anything other than the home food. The love of pizzas and any other fast food may relieve people from making meals for them, but it won't be helpful to prevent them from carrying any new virus, maybe corona. In other words, people have to be careful with whatever they are eating and from where they are eating.

Check on your Body -
It's not like every time you will sneeze you are prone to have corona, but it's not the other way either. Any kind of seasonal infection may also lead to disastrous effects if you're not aware enough to check on your body on a regular basis. Now that you know very well about your physical status, then it will surely prevent you from getting infected from the spreading corona as well.

Stay away from Sensitive organs -
All the sensitive organs of the body, from where the particles can get in and pass out, need to be maintained with clean hygiene and should not be touched time and time again. The face is the most important of them all as it has a nose, ears, eyes, and lips as well. It will be really better if you are not touching your face many times. Plus a face mask will always be the best idea to cover yourself securely.

Semi Social cum Antisocial -
These are not the days of doing parties, getting in professional gatherings, assemblies, and friendly night outs. You need to hold yourself and spare from all of these public appearances, and family picnics. There's nothing wrong with becoming somehow anti-social for a short period of time, at least until the time when COVID19 relieves us. Instead, you can rely on virtual meetings, online conferences, and internet-based communication options in your daily lifestyle.

Have Patience -
The long-term period of coronavirus has taught patience even to the most impatient people in the world. But, like the figures are stating that it's not over yet, people have to show more patience than ever. The government of every country is trying and attempting its best to give a static cure of the infection, but ultimately it totally depends upon you as to how responsible you are with handling the issue.

Educate people -
There is no need to fight or yell at anyone for not wearing a mask, or not following any guidelines for corona. You can simply go to the person and educate them about the side effects of not doing it instead. Tell people to always carry a sanitizer, keep tissue papers in their bags, wear clean clothes, maintain good hygiene in their home and surroundings. A mutual understanding and equal corresponding efforts will not help our nation beat Corona, but will be quite helpful in battling other existing social problems as well.

Quick notes -
Maintain at least 3 feet distance with every next person.

If you see symptoms, report immediately.

Isolate the person, or yourself completely in case of positivity.

Only use your own personal clothes, items, and every other essential thing.

Take help from your nearest covid vaccination center if you're not vaccinated yet.

Politely ask people about their vaccination certificate in case you're meeting them.

Don't panic or create chaos if you're positive with Corona, or someone else from your family or friend is positive.

Keep a check at the latest corona statistics before traveling to any place or news area.

Wear a mask as much as you can and clean it every day.